
Gerhard Hüdepohl

Photographer Gerhard Hüdepohl at work in the Atacama desert, Chile

I came to photography at an early age and what used to be a hobby has – over the years – turned into a serious occupation which by now absorbs an important share of my time.

I moved to Chile in 1997 where I worked for over 23 years at the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) on Cerro Paranal.

I am fascinated by nature, especially pristine and unknown landscapes along with their flora and fauna. Besides Antarctica, Patagonia and the Amazon basin a focal point of my photographic work is the Atacama desert.

For regular updates of my activities check out my Instagram account @atacamaphoto and the news blog.

My photos have been published worldwide in books, magazines (National Geographic, Outdoor Photographer, Terre Sauvage, GEO, etc.) documentaries, exhibitions and calendars.
In 2010 I was nominated “ESO Photo Ambassador”  of the European Southern Observatory

All photos on this website are copyright protected and cannot be used without a valid license agreement.

gerhard huedepohl