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Atacama Art, Historic Sites, People and Everything Else
Cerro Dominador, the first solar thermal power plant in Latin America. Atacama Desert near Maria Elena
Cerro Dominador, the first solar thermal power plant in Latin America. Atacama Desert near Maria Elena
Giant geoglyphs on cerro Mono. Prehispanic art in the Atacama desert of the Tarapaca Region
Giant geoglyphs on cerro Mono. Prehispanic art in the Atacama desert of the Tarapaca Region
A giant turtle geoglyph on Cerro Mono, a road marker for ancient caravans. Tarapaca region Chile
A giant turtle geoglyph on Cerro Mono, a road marker for ancient caravans. Tarapaca region Chile
The Giant of Tarapaca (gigante de Tarapaca) on Cerro Unitas in northern Chile is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic figure in the world
The Giant of Tarapaca (gigante de Tarapaca) on Cerro Unitas in northern Chile is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic figure in the world
Detail of The Giant of Tarapaca (gigante de Tarapaca) antropomorphic geoglyph on Cerro Unitas in northern Chile
Detail of The Giant of Tarapaca (gigante de Tarapaca) antropomorphic geoglyph on Cerro Unitas in northern Chile
The Giant of Tarapaca (gigante de Tarapaca) on Cerro Unitas in northern Chile is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic figure in the world
The Giant of Tarapaca (gigante de Tarapaca) on Cerro Unitas in northern Chile is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic figure in the world
Coastal Camanchaca fog above the geoglyps of Cerro Pintados, Tarapaca region Chile
Coastal Camanchaca fog above the geoglyps of Cerro Pintados, Tarapaca region Chile
Anthropomorphic geoglyphs at Pintados, Tarapaca Region Chile
Anthropomorphic geoglyphs at Pintados, Tarapaca Region Chile
An ancient mark indicating the caravan trails in the Atacama desert. Geoglyphs of Pintados.
An ancient mark indicating the caravan trails in the Atacama desert. Geoglyphs of Pintados.
A geoglyph representing a large bird at Cerro Pintados under the night sky with Milky Way, Tarapaca Region Chile
A geoglyph representing a large bird at Cerro Pintados under the night sky with Milky Way, Tarapaca Region Chile
Close view of geometrical type geoglyph in the Atacama desert, cerro Mono Tarapaca Region of Chile
Close view of geometrical type geoglyph in the Atacama desert, cerro Mono Tarapaca Region of Chile
Prehispanic agricultural fields of Llanos de Color, Atacama desert
Prehispanic agricultural fields of Llanos de Color, Atacama desert
Wave patterns at the beautiful ancient geoglyph site of Ariquilda, Atacama desert Chile
Wave patterns at the beautiful ancient geoglyph site of Ariquilda, Atacama desert Chile
Ancient desert art, the petroglyphs of Ariquilda. Tarapaca Region Chile
Ancient desert art, the petroglyphs of Ariquilda. Tarapaca Region Chile
A rare superior mirage, an optical atmospheric effect, Atacama desert Chile
A rare superior mirage, an optical atmospheric effect, Atacama desert Chile
Panorama of the Taira ancient rock paintings at Rio Loa, Chile
Panorama of the Taira ancient rock paintings at Rio Loa, Chile
Ancient rock engravings and paintings at Aldea Taira, Rio Loa
Ancient rock engravings and paintings at Aldea Taira, Rio Loa
Ancient rock paintings of Taira in the Rio Loa Valley, Atacama desert
Ancient rock paintings of Taira in the Rio Loa Valley, Atacama desert
Ancient rock paintings of lamas and anthropomorphic figures, Rio Loa canyon, Atacama desert
Ancient rock paintings of lamas and anthropomorphic figures, Rio Loa canyon, Atacama desert
Ancient rock paintings at Rio Loa valley, Atacama desert
Ancient rock paintings at Rio Loa valley, Atacama desert
El hombre de los baculos, prehispanic rock painting in the Loa valley
El hombre de los baculos, prehispanic rock painting in the Loa valley
Prehistoric rock painting at Rio Loa valley: "Hombre de los Baculos" or "Senor de los Camelidos"
Prehistoric rock painting at Rio Loa valley: "Hombre de los Baculos" or "Senor de los Camelidos"
Diamond rings and protuberances, a complete sequence of the total solar eclipse in Chile 2019
Diamond rings and protuberances, a complete sequence of the total solar eclipse in Chile 2019
Ancient desert art: Petroglyphs under the Milky Way at the La Silla Observatory
Ancient desert art: Petroglyphs under the Milky Way at the La Silla Observatory
Ancient rock paintings of whale hunting, Quebrada Izcuña, Atacama desert
Ancient rock paintings of whale hunting, Quebrada Izcuña, Atacama desert
Beautiful trash: An empty can has been sandblasted by wind and sand of the Atacama desert
Beautiful trash: An empty can has been sandblasted by wind and sand of the Atacama desert
Chacabuco, the ruins of an old nitrate mining town near Antofagasta
Chacabuco, the ruins of an old nitrate mining town near Antofagasta
Ghost town buildings at the coast of Atacama Desert, Chile
Ghost town buildings at the coast of Atacama Desert, Chile
Funny rock art in the high desert of Chile
Funny rock art in the high desert of Chile
Colorful green, black and blue copper minerals from a mine of the Atacama desert green: Copper chloride hydroxide, Atacamite
Colorful green, black and blue copper minerals from a mine of the Atacama desert green: Copper chloride hydroxide, Atacamite
Ancient desert art: Chug Chug geoglyphs in the Atacama desert near Calama
Ancient desert art: Chug Chug geoglyphs in the Atacama desert near Calama
Black and white photo of an old rusty car wreck in the desert, Atacama Desert Chile
Black and white photo of an old rusty car wreck in the desert, Atacama Desert Chile
Mars rover Bridget at the test site in the Atacama Desert near Paranal Observatory
Mars rover Bridget at the test site in the Atacama Desert near Paranal Observatory
Steam locomotives, historic railway station in Baquedano, Chile
Steam locomotives, historic railway station in Baquedano, Chile
Billboard at the Panamericana Ruta 5 in Chile. A cow in the middle of the Atacama desert, looks a bit out of this world.
Billboard at the Panamericana Ruta 5 in Chile. A cow in the middle of the Atacama desert, looks a bit out of this world
gerhard huedepohl