
October 2023

Book Very Large Telescope by Gerhard Hüdepohl

In October my new book “Very Large Telescope – 25 Years VLT” has been published by the German editorial KOSMOS-Verlag. It is a large format book (30x30cm) with 228 pages, where I present 250 of the best and most interesting photos that I took during my over 20 years that I worked at the Paranal Observatory. It has views of the magnificent night sky of the Atacama desert and shows historic photos from the construction of the giant telescopes. There are chapters about science operation and discoveries, maintenance work on the delicate giant mirrors and modern telescope technology. It also shows the Atacama desert with its very specialized flora and fauna and unusual and extreme weather events. Finally the last chapter gives an introduction to the future project, the “Extremely Large Telescope” (ELT) of nearly 40 meters diameter, that is currently being built on a mountain close to Paranal.
The book is in German language and available at Amazon.

gerhard huedepohl